YP Letters: Olympic parade in Leeds hits new low for this television viewer

The Team GB homecoming parade in Leeds - was BBCw coverage excessive?The Team GB homecoming parade in Leeds - was BBCw coverage excessive?
The Team GB homecoming parade in Leeds - was BBCw coverage excessive?
From: Paul Kirby, The Chase, Wetherby.

BBC Look North reached a new low last Wednesday. The main 6.30pm edition decided to give 80 per cent of the programme to the Olympic ‘heroes’ parade in Leeds city centre. A few minutes at the start and end of the programme would be reasonable, not almost the whole programme. They had an excessive three reporters on it, asking pointless, predictable questions to the ‘heroes’, their relatives and anyone else they could get their hands on. Dull, and more to the point, not news.

They exaggerated the crowd to be many thousands, instead of the one or possible two thousand that actually were there, many of whom would have been in the city centre anyway and would have to endure the traffic disruption to their buses after a hard day at work, and not giving a monkeys about these so-called heroes.

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I find it hard to believe that on that particular Wednesday there was no other real news to report. Tanya Arnold was interviewing on one of the ‘heroes’ buses, instead of reporting on Huddersfield’s fine victory against another Yorkshire side to put them top of the Championship. Leeds also played the previous night and lost their winning streak, but no mention of either.

Yorkshire viewers and licence fee payers deserve better.